On dys4ia's return

I think I've been unfair to this game.

Maybe I ended up believing the narrative the gaming press spun about it: That it was an educational game, an "EMPATHY GAME," a shallow work that flattened and commodified the experience it was representing for the consumption of cis people eager to pin an Ally medal to their chests. Maybe I never hated this game, but I hated the person I was when I made it: Young, dumb, and burning rapidly through the goodwill of people who genuinely saw me as a force for change in games and culture, and whom I would ultimately disappoint. Maybe I look back at this game and see someone making mistakes that I still carry on my back, over ten years later.

I don't think this game deserves that. And – this is even harder to admit – maybe I didn't deserve it either. I think I've been unfair to Anna Anthropy.

I struggled with this game, its legacy, and its position in the canon of 2010s indie games for a long time. I resented it, I rejected it, I tried charging for it, I tried not charging for it. When people asked to exhibit it, I suggested other games of mine they could consider showing instead. I charged exorbitant fees for it, trying to intimidate people out of asking. Ultimately, I disowned and disavowed the game entirely.
There was a time when, if I could have somehow erased this game from the internet entirely, I happily would have.

But I've had some conversations lately that have prompted me to reappraise the game. I don't know – I'm 40 now, and maybe I'm thinking about Legacy, and maybe the wounds I've been carrying around for the last ten years are no longer quite so raw, and maybe there's time to forgive. If not myself, than this game at least.

This game was not the mistakes I made.

This game is not the way people treated me.

This game is not the burnout I've spent so many years recovering from.

This game is actually quite humble, and clever, and thoughtful in its use of video game iconography. What a thing to say about a Warioware-inspired autobiography. It's a journal I kept during a moment of incredible, terrifying, beautiful changes in my life. Everything that happened after this game – both good and bad – is not dys4ia's fault.

Thanks to everyone who's ever told me this game meant something to them, only for me to change the subject immediately. Here it is, free, for the foreseeable future.

Protect trans kids. Protect trans futures.


dys4ia_win.zip 3 MB
Oct 13, 2023
dys4ia_mac.zip 6 MB
Oct 13, 2023

Get dys4ia


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Makes me happy to read this. Thank you for this game.

i love this statement, anna. <3 nar

thanks nar <3 miss you

I am so happy to see this game back and to read your thoughts all these years later 💗 thank you

here’s hoping the new WarioWare is somewhere close to your level 

i don't think it's accessible enough for my 2023 body haha! we should catch up sometime, it's been too long!

I’m sorry to hear the game became such a source of distress to you. I’m glad you’re in a place where the pain is less. I hope people appreciate it for what it is, and continue to do so.

This game had quite an effect one me when I first played it, and that has quietly reverberated throughout my life since, like other good art I’ve experienced.


thank you


Sometimes it can be quite hard to grow fondness towards your past self and that self's creations.

Humble games are the best games. And dys4ia deserved all praise it got for its cleverness.

I find it awesome that the game, and its place in gaming history, is back to receiving love and acceptance of its creator.


Important things in life are often complicated and messy.


Thanks for your kind words.

Thanks for your empathetic comprehension.

Thanks for amazing game.