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I can't seem to get this to play on my mac, the OS says the application requires updating? I'm on Sonoma 14.4.1, many thanks.

This is unfortunately a problem with old flash games and I no longer have access to a dev environment where I could update the game! So, regrettably, none of my standalone flash games will run on new Mac computers.

Sigh - it seems that a .swf type flash can be loaded, just not a compiled .app...

Would it be possible to get the transcript in a text format?

As a trans woman, this game is very beautiful. Thanks for making something like this. I played this on Flashpoint, but I wanted to tell you how much I loved it. :3

Thank you for making this


I was reading "A Game Design Vocabulary" when I saw a mention of this game in it, it was very engaging and helped me get a better grasp of one of the two writers of the book and see her work first-hand. Also, knowing I'm trans but being stressed about transitioning (and trans healthcare being a rarity here smh) this was a great way to understand the trans experience(the wild ride never ends). We will see what the future holds.

I've been monologuing but in conclusion: thx 4 the game :)


Back in 2014 Matpat shouted this out in a vid and that's how I found out trans people existed
I'm now a trans woman lmao


hell yeah. fuck yeah


i really liked it. it was beautiful and tysm for making this :)


absolutely beautiful game, thank you so much for making this


This game taught me so much about what games could be. Thank you for making it!


I love this game so much, and have taught it for years in my college classes. Thank you so much for making it.


Windows Defender says it contains a Trojan (Trojan:Script/Wacatac.B!ml).